Tuesday, February 4, 2020

Software Development

I first "programmed" a computer in 1963, a used IBM with a punched paper tape using FAP, Fortran Assembly Programming. It is now almost 60 years later. In the interim I delivered volumes of software. But the process is always the same:

1. Specifications and Requirements
2. Design Documentation
3. Implementation Plan
4. Implementation and Unite Testing
5. Testing and Debugging
6. Compliance Testing and Load Testing
7. Red Team Testing
8. Acceptance Testing
9. Version 1.0 Release

Then pray!

But it appears that the team which did the Iowa deal seems to be clueless. The NY Times reports:

Above all, though, it appears that rank tech incompetence is at the bottom of the Iowa debacle; I have seen enough Silicon Valley apps do similar belly flops to feel confident that’s what happened on Monday. As the Democrats sort out the problems — from bad mobile connectivity to an app that gives beta testing a bad name, to obvious human error caused by the confusion of using a new system — such ineptitude is not a good look for the party.

But with all the Silicon Valley believers one wonders where these neophytes came from. Perhaps that is the question. Perhaps there is more behind this than just a bunch of "dummies".