Friday, February 14, 2020

Some times They Go Too Far

MIT announced a new major technical breakthrough. Indeed. What has humanity done before this. I clearly lived in the dark ages. They note:

For some infants, a wet diaper is cause for an instant, vociferous demand to be changed, while other babies may be unfazed and happy to haul around the damp cargo for lengthy periods without complaint. But if worn too long, a wet diaper can cause painful rashes, and miserable babies — and parents. Now MIT researchers have developed a “smart” diaper embedded with a moisture sensor that can alert a caregiver when a diaper is wet. When the sensor detects dampness in the diaper, it sends a signal to a nearby receiver, which in turn can send a notification to a smartphone or computer.

Yes, we now have an App for this.

I come from the time of cloth diapers. Yes boys and girls, not paper, not disposable, cloth. You got to clean them first yourself then actually washed them and reused them. Along with glass drinking implements, china plates, and even reusable syringes.
The old days.

But now we have MIT students delivering a device to tell people when junior has wet is diapee. High tech to the solution. Then again, if you had a cloth diaper, reusable mind you, all you had to do was feel it or better yet smell it.

I wonder who really thought this up, mum or dad?