Tuesday, September 1, 2020

Science in New Jersey

The Gov just issued the following commands regarding indoor dining:

Indoor Dining/Bars 25% capacity

  • Masks must be worn even while seated at your table and can only be removed while eating or drinking.
  • Masks must be worn at your table after the consumption of food or beverage has been completed.
  • You can only be served food/beverage while seated at a table or bar.
  • Tables must be six feet apart in all directions.
  • Smoking where allowable by law can resume at both indoor and outdoor dining/bar areas.

I get the point but what is the scientific basis for any of the above? I have been through some 2500+papers and cannot find a single reference that substantiates these numbers or actions. You can smoke but it seems you may have an issue with chewing. 

Oh well, this too shall pass. I still have no idea where they get the Rt numbers but they seem to have gone by the wayside.