Sunday, October 18, 2020

NJ 2020 10 18

 Well those little Middle and High School Petri dishes are really starting a new pandemic.Look at Morris County, 90 new ones just yesterday. No deaths but mass school gatherings, apparently initiated by the schools, basketball etc, and what does one expect. We are going backward since these Petri dishes will be sending the virus home and then everywhere! This is why real time testing and data are demanded. Each child should be tested at least weekly! I said this months ago. Testing facilities should be everywhere but instead they are closing. None of these kids wear masks, distance themselves, but just the opposite. I predict in a month at this rate we will be back in April rates. What are the "knuckleheads" in Trenton doing? Counting votes...

This is the State data, there is clearly a breakout from Lakewood and spreading. We noted this in March. Drove home last night saw East Hanover HS Football field lit up with game and large crowds. Madison Middle School has hundreds lined up unmasked doing basketball PE one would assume. In my opinion this is clearly reckless. Businesses would be closed but the Education establishment seems to believe they are exempt from the laws of Nature.