Thursday, March 7, 2024

Russia was Friendlier


I ran a company in Russia for several years. Not the most friendly to legal rights, so one is always careful. Now along comes the New York Gov sending troops to the subway. I have to go tomorrow and anticipate a possible search and seizure. The Gov and her Praetorian guards invoke their powers to search and seize law abiding citizens while leaving the one performing illegal acts free to continue. Moscow was much more friendly, as long as you did not debate the Vlad! 

The NY Times noted:

Just 24 hours after Gov. Kathy Hochul deployed the National Guard and the State Police in the New York City subway to quell fears of crime, the unusual show of force drew intense criticism on Thursday from various corners, some unexpected. On the left, Jumaane N. Williams, the city’s public advocate, warned that Ms. Hochul’s plan would “criminalize the public on public transit.” Assemblywoman Emily Gallagher, a democratic socialist from Brooklyn, said it was a “ham-fisted and authoritarian response” that “validates G.O.P. propaganda about urban lawlessness in an election year.” Centrists fretted that the deployment of troops carrying long guns — beamed across the country by Fox News and other cable outlets — would actually make New Yorkers and would-be tourists feel less safe, not more.

Indeed, less safe from the National Guard.  Think Kent State. Checking everyone's personal effects by untrained Guardsmen is incredible. Yes, that is me with my father on his first day on the NYC PD. Between him and his father they spent 60 years on the job. I learned how to identify suspects starting at the age of seven. Look at shoes, hair, clothes, hands, etc. Worked well with my former KGB partners. But I truly doubt these weapon carrying troops have any idea. Discharge an M-16 in the Times Square Station and you kill 50-60 people in seconds. The Gov has created a situation of imminent danger.