Saturday, March 9, 2024

This Patrol Thing is Out of Hand

 The NY Times reports:

Shortly after Gov. Kathy Hochul announced on Wednesday that hundreds of National Guard soldiers would be deployed to patrol the New York City subway system and check riders’ bags, her office made an adjustment: Soldiers searching bags would not carry long guns. The change, which was first reported by The Daily News, was ordered by Ms. Hochul on Wednesday for implementation on Thursday, according to a spokesman for the governor. Ms. Hochul issued a directive that National Guard members would be prohibited from carrying long guns at bag-check stations, he said. Soldiers not working at the stations would presumably be allowed to carry them.

They are NOT long guns, they are continuous fire M-16!  You know like the AR-15s they want to ban, but continuous fire rifles. It is amazing how this thing has been sanitized by the Press. This is worse than a Mussolini takeover, except by police who look more terrifying. A recent photo of a person returning from a pickle match, I gather having a beer bottle was being detailed by two chubby and short bearded slovenly NYPDs at the subway. What were they missing while they detailed this person. Got the picture just in case. 

I remember Mayor Daly in 1968 in Chicago. This Fall we may very see much worse. 

BTW, a long gun could be an M-1 or even an M-14, although M-14s can do rapid fire.