Saturday, March 9, 2024

The NYC Subway

 Well, I did it, took the subway. From Penn Station thru Times Square and up to 72nd Street and return.

Guess what, not a single cop, soldier, M-16. 


Lots of people, no security, none, not even a glimpse! So what happened? The Buffalo Gnome got scared of the backlash? 

But wait. What was everywhere were the "immigrants" or "illegals" carrying babies on their backs holding large plastic trays filled with candy at every stairwell. Just try to figure out the economics of that trade. Also would you buy something to eat from a person from God knows where in a urine stained subway stop? If so then COVID should not have scared you! The baby on the back thing was interesting.

So is NYC safe? As long as you do not eat strange foods, stay well back from the train, make no eye contact, and avoid the police, then I guess it is as safe as Mogadishu.