Monday, July 19, 2010

Posner is Spot On

For those of us who have started and run businesses, unlike the economist academics who merely opine on what should be done, the recent blog by Posner is spot on,

Posner states:

Many of the President’s legislative initiatives, in particular the health reform law, the just-enacted financial regulatory reform law, and the credit card law of last year, have increased the uncertainty of the economic environment for business. These laws really haven’t settled anything; it will take years of regulatory implementation before their full impact can be determined. But in addition business has to deal with the unpredictable exercise by the President of an uncanalized extra-legal authority to bend business to his wishes. It is no wonder that the economic recovery appears to be progressing so slowly.

It is the massive uncertainty of costs, regulation, and almost fear of Washington and it abject hatred for the independent business person by the powers that be. It is as if the country is being run by a group of High School kids, the nerd group if you will, who somehow have seized control and are bullying everyone else around, but in reality the others are just not really paying any attention and are just waiting for the to pass through like a piece of bad meat.