Saturday, July 17, 2010
More on the Unemployment Analysis
I redid the above chart as follows:
1. It uses total unemployed now being about 14.5 million instead of just looking at the 27 week number. The average take is still $1500 per month per employee. The average unemployed before this mess was 7 million. This we have 7.5 million times $1500 per month or a gap of $11.25 B per month or $135 billion per year.
2. We see the blue line depicts what the added burden should have been and perhaps twice that due to unemployment insurance. The take per month pops down about the $12 billion we looked at earlier.
3. Yet the actual deficit is running $120 billion per month. That is 10 time what it would be due to the loss in jobs. This has to be the Stimulus money which seems to be having no effect if one were to ever believe Ms Romer.
4. Unemployment is actually much greater as we have shown before but even doubling the number gets you no where close, again the Stimulus.