Saturday, May 29, 2021

An Interesting Argument

 In a recent article by Wade, the author details his arguments regarding the elegantly engineered COVID-19 corona virus. The author concludes:

What accounts for the media’s apparent lack of curiosity? The virologists’ omertà is one reason. Science reporters, unlike political reporters, have little innate skepticism of their sources’ motives; most see their role largely as purveying the wisdom of scientists to the unwashed masses. So when their sources won’t help, these journalists are at a loss. Another reason, perhaps, is the migration of much of the media toward the left of the political spectrum. Because President Trump said the virus had escaped from a Wuhan lab, editors gave the idea little credence. They joined the virologists in regarding lab escape as a dismissible conspiracy theory. During the Trump administration, they had no trouble in rejecting the position of the intelligence services that lab escape could not be ruled out. But when Avril Haines, President Biden’s director of national intelligence, said the same thing, she too was largely ignored. This is not to argue that editors should have endorsed the lab escape scenario, merely that they should have explored the possibility fully and fairly. People round the world who have been pretty much confined to their homes for the last year might like a better answer than their media are giving them. Perhaps one will emerge in time. After all, the more months pass without the natural emergence theory gaining a shred of supporting evidence, the less plausible it may seem. Perhaps the international community of virologists will come to be seen as a false and self-interested guide. The common sense perception that a pandemic breaking out in Wuhan might have something to do with a Wuhan lab cooking up novel viruses of maximal danger in unsafe conditions could eventually displace the ideological insistence that whatever Trump said can’t be true. And then let the reckoning begin.

 This is an exceptionally well written article for the educated public.I am not a virologist but viruses are used as vectors for various immunotherapies. The get stuff into cells and ultimately into the nucleus. Much of this article makes sense.


1. The Chinese denial was published as Wu and Zhao, Furin cleavage sites naturally occur in coronaviruses , Stem Cell Research, 50(2021)

2. An alternate view supporting the above by Segreto et al, Should we discount the laboratory origin of COVID‑19? , Environmental Chemistry Letters 25 March 2021