Wednesday, November 17, 2021

An Interesting Graph

 We have been examining the break through cases. So I thought that if we looked back using the CDC data and assuming:

1. The vulnerable have an incidence of 600 per 100,000 per week and the immune have a rate of 100 per 100,000 per week. That was the CDC data points. We also assume that this has held true since the beginning of this year.

2. We then calculated the number in each class and converted down to per day numbers.

3. We then plotted the 7 day running average of the CDC reported cases.

This is what we get:

Now this is confusing. 

1. First, the number of projected cases per day for the immune exceeds the number of cases per day for the vulnerable. Consistent with our prior observation. Immune people are NOT immune. Just not as bad as vulnerable. 

2. The actual daily 7 day averages equal what we see with the model only since about 1 September 2021. Before that there is a total miss. Why? Must be lower transmission rates. Namely 600 and 100 were lower.

3. So why do we see higher transmission rates as we get more vaccinated? No idea.

4. This vaccine/virus behaves like no other. In 1943 I got my smallpox immunization. Never went back. I have rabies, yellow fever, polio, and the list goes on. This virus however does not follow norms of virus/vaccine/immune system. Why?

5. Could one engineer a virus to act this way? Working on that question. Shame the Jesuitical Sophist has not addressed these issues.