Saturday, November 13, 2021

NJ 2021 11 13

 We do not have today's NJ data. I guess they are asleep again in Trenton.Let us start with deaths. Frankly they are high given the base of vaccinated and naturally immune. Not at bad as when they were killing off the LTC residents but still nothing to pass off.

The county incidence is exploding. One suspects that most are breakthroughs! But as with the State and worse with the CDC there is no data! A Public Health disaster.
The State incidence also is increasing.
Strangely vaccinations are increasing but that is most likely the Feds demands. Wait till people find out the lack of efficacy.
The normalized incidence is still high. This should be the canary in the coal mine measure. I suspect we shall see this increase as well.
The town is also exploding. 80% of the people over 12 are vaccinated in the town. Plus 12% previously infected. There MUST be reinfections! Given the death rates they are also just as deadly despite what the powers to be say.
One can see the town doubling time drop.
and the town prevalence increase. I see people walking around as if it is all over. It has just begun AGAIN!