Sunday, March 14, 2021

Broadband and COVID

 Now I have been called idiosyncratic. So I feel I can address this issue. I received an email from one of my State Senators praising the alleged COVID relief package. In it he claims:

plus another $192 million for broadband

Now I am stretched to see how this helps in this State, the most densely populated state in the nation. In most of the state we have just two monopolistic carriers; the Telco and the CATV carrier. Competition is near zero since the Telco abandoned its fiber buildout. So what is this nearly $200 million for? Who gets it and for what purpose? 

Then the Senator claims:

$1.823 billion combined for all 21 counties, and $1.741 billion split among all 565 municipalities

Now these localities are mostly supported by property taxes and I have not seen any reduction. Also the State has the highest property tax rate to begin with. Finally:

approximately $6.4 billion for the state

The State has highest taxes as well so why the $6.4 billion and for what purpose? Also $2 billion was sent by FEMA on top of this. That is a total of $8.4 billion!