One must be careful in interpreting the data since we now have 50% immunized via on or more vaccine injections and those already infected. This is best seen below. This is the incidence on the basis of the vulnerable. The rate is increasing. This is a new peak. Unfortunately the CDC and other Administration entities seem to grossly neglect this effect. The death rate is dropping as we have vaccinated the older and vulnerable but the incidence is climbing as younger and recklessly careless people propagate. The seem to not be aware of the sequellae that they will have to deal with. This is a Public Health disaster.
Moreover by this time we have adequate demographic data on the new infections to target that group. Regrettably no Government entity is identifying and communicating this. Instead we seem to be playing with politics. Below we have another view:
The immunizations carry on at a good pace. Unfortunately the J&J vaccine was destroyed by what appears to be the incompetence of a Government contractor.
The town doubling time has decreased again. This is a micro example of young spreaders.
The doubling times should be well above 200 but as we can see that is hardly the case.
Yet we seem to know the hot spots and they remain so!
The State incidence seems to have peaked but as we noted this is not factual since the base has halved. Thus a comparable incidence would be twice what we show! Thus the highest ever!
The same holds for the county. I still have no idea if the spikes make any sense!
Death rates are still dropping as would be expected with a younger population.
State prevalence is increasing!
As is county prevalence.