Monday, April 12, 2021

Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance


We have been noting several facts over the past year which together present a plant going forward:

1. The virus can be mitigated by vaccines. Namely the initial WT virus. It appears that the vaccines are also reasonable against the variants.

2. Mutations occur most in immunocompromised individuals and they should have been vaccinated first. Not so much it appears. But it is not just in the US but globally. For example malaria does impact the immune system thus plasmodium infected persons can present as pools for mutations and variant production.

3. Vaccines prevent infection. Namely if a person is subjected to a viral assault the virus in the lungs is attacked. That is where it is active at 98F. However the virus in the nasal passages at 94F is dormant and can spread. It would not mutate but it could infect an un-vaccinated person.

4. We MUST track the variants and we MUST modify the mRNAs to target them as they are identified

5. Vaccinations must become periodic. This is NOT a ONE-OFF approach. Like flu vaccines but even more so they must be addressed periodically.

6. International travelers MUST be traced and tested for carriers status. We did this a century ago and it worked. We must accept this to prevent variant introduction.

Overall this is very doable but the concern is that the CDC is a political organization not it appears a competent public health entity. Politics seems to be dominating the overall process. It must change.

Finally, being somewhat expert in wireless, 5G did not cause the pandemic and 5G is not tracking those of us vaccinated. The Government has much better ways they are using already!