Tuesday, December 21, 2021

A Little Test

 Just thought I would do a little field test. Namely could I get a COVID Rapid Test for the antigen anywhere within 25 miles of my house. Now this is almost two years after the beginning of the pandemic and a year of the current Administration said they would solve all the "problems".

Answer, one could not find a single location with such a test available, period. The online web sites said they were but after driving here and there one could find none. Just signs saying SORRY WE ARE OUT. They left out the remainder, GO HOME AND DIE. Thanks Washington. In early 2020 it was toilet paper, now it is test kits. 

How are we to stop the pandemic if we must remain in the dark? Thanks DC.

I went food shopping today and it reminded me of Moscow in 1978. If it is Tuesday it is bread day, no soap. If it is  Friday before noon, then you get soap. Potatoes only on Monday afternoon if you are early. This is classic Marxist distribution. Half empty shelves. No garlic today folks. Must be the garlic stuck on ships off LA.

Welcome to the end of the American Experiment. Oh yes, stop blaming the last guy, this is all yours now. You break it you own it, the problem.