Monday, December 6, 2021

Vaccine Mandates?

 The NY Times notes that Deblasio has mandated universal vaccines. Now I do not know NYC details comparable to NJ but I suspect the Hudson is not that deep. Here are the facts:

1. In NJ, Morris County, 90% are vaccinated and 15% were previously infected. One can assume near total immunity of sorts.

2. The infections are exceeding the largest peak during the last explosion pre-vaccinations

3. Vaccines do NOT prevent infections if we believe the data here. They do reduce mortality dramatically.

4. Frankly we really do not know why the vaccines are so ineffective on blocking the virus. No Government folks will ever say that.

5. Variants come from infected and immune compromised, thus the recent South African variant.

6. Variants will almost always arise so do not be surprised, just aware.

7. At best universal vaccinations may reduce mortality but not infections. It seems  that the vaccine is at best a weak inhibitor.

8. Would never have guessed this but that is what the data says.