Monday, December 20, 2021

Happy Birthday

 We started this blog 13 years ago today. The initial driver was to comment on the 2008 financial collapse and the general lack of clarity amongst economists. Over the years we have morphed many times making comments on a variety of topics. 

Most recently we have discussed the pandemic and we believe we have tried to stay ahead of the proverbial bow wave in understanding and discussing the virus, its changes and implications. We have seen nearly a half million visitors during this period and hopefully have provided some perspectives of interest.

Now at 13 we have reached some form of adulthood. As such it will be interesting what we shall be focused on as we move through this never ending pandemic pandemonium. The one observations we keep making is the general lead footed Government administrators, all too often out for self aggrandizement yet creating more hardships for the people. It is a thread that flows through the past 13 years.

We have now seen three presidencies, many challenges, more threats, and some achievements.