Saturday, December 11, 2021

NJ 2021 12 11

 Well here we go again. Morris County has the highest daily infection reports ever! Almost all are break through infections. Namely people who have been totally vaccinated yet acquire the infection and then pass it on. Wait till Christmas and New Years!

First the Town prevalence is approaching pas values pre-vaccines.  It is clear that the town, county and state appear not go give a damn here as to infections.

The town doubling time is dropping to early pandemic levels, close to 100.
Across the county we see only 3 towns with 200+ doubling times, the minimal number. Some towns have doubling times exceeding any previous values.
The county and town incidences are equally reflective of a gross lack of Public Health measures.
Nationally we have increasing incidence well more than 100 per 100,000 per week for vaccinated. It appears to be 3 times that rate, nearing the unvaccinated vulnerability. No one speaks of this issue. It means that vaccines are generally useless.
The new infections per vulnerable base demonstrates that these is not a reasonable metric since break throughs dominate.
Vaccines are increasing but we still see a high national incidence.
This shows the vaccine growth.
On a per county basis we see Morris, Somerset, Hunterdon, Warren and Salem are dramatically low. The demographics are all over the map in these counties. Mercer sees quite good.
This is the total state times
State incidence has remained very high
County is exploding!!!!
Deaths remain flat
and State prevalence is nearing early levels again.