Saturday, December 18, 2021

NJ 2021 12 18

 Things keep getting worse, I think. Lots more infections but few hospitalizations or deaths. Is this becoming the common cold variant? Here was last weeks variant list, small Omicron almost all Delta. Bust suspect it is changing.

This is new infections as a function of the vulnerable base. All out of whack due to the break throughs.
This is the most telling. Nationally we have 96% + either vaccinated or infected so that there is a small percent exposed. Yet we see break throughs dominating.
Vaccinations still increase a bit.
Doubling times by day are much too low. 200 days is the lowest they should go but it seems all towns are exploding.
Town doubling is collapsing and not words from management.
Town incidence is highest ever! People are returning to normal and bearing the risk. Perhaps that is what must be done.
Deaths are flat. Must wait 30 days from incidence to mortality at the very least.
New county incidence is twice the old high!
State incidence is highest
State doubling time decling
Morris has lowest doubling time!