Sunday, September 30, 2018

5G Security

In a recent Analysts Meeting reported by Total Telecom, Verizon is noted as:

“Verizon’s view of the role of 5G in its enterprise services portfolio goes several steps further. Its view is that with the advent of 5G, the Internet of Things (IoT), along with SDN, video, security telematics, and edge computing, will expand to become a foundational enabler of the real-time enterprise (RTE), in which businesses can exploit information, actions and events the moment they occur," 

Now I am a strong promoter of wireless and 5G, whatever it turns out to be when first out the gate provides a wireless Gbps platform which can be rapidly deployed.

However, and this is critical, there are two concerns.

1. Security: Unlike fiber which can be made physically secure, yet still subject to interjection physically, 5G wireless opens itself up to massive interdiction via sophisticated jamming. It is highly vulnerable and if one were ask an investment back to move from fiber to 5G I suspect and I hope there would be a great deal of soul searching. The vulnerabilities of 5G are minion. This is not a marketing gimmick, it is a real full time job. Hopefully they have someone who can do this.

2. Functionality: Here I fault Verizon for not addressing a simple problem. Namely in their current 4G system they "sell" a 4G replacement for a wireline phone. EXCEPT! It is NOT a replacement. It is a spit and bailing wire design that fails to replicate what the wireline phone does. No 911, no caller ID, one phone or extension per 4G unit, etc. Whoever designed this should be sent back to the minors, or worse. But this is a harbinger of what can happen in 5G, but many times worse. Verizon in my experience lacks the competence in blending technology and marketing into product design. It is outsourced and thus they rely on the "kindness of strangers" to get it right. This may be a bump in the road for residential users but it could be a business killer for the high end business.

 One can say, enough with the buzz words from the pitch masters and try to adhere to the old dictum; if all else fails listen to the customer!