Wednesday, July 28, 2021

Antibodies vs Resident Memory T Cells

 Vaccines generate antibodies, Ab. The mechanism in simple terms is as follows:

1. The mRNA vaccine, surrounded by PEG, enters the cells and produces the spike protein.

2. The spike protein is an antigen, Ag, which gets picked up by a dendritic cell, DC, and flows to a lymph node.

3. The lymph node immune process takes over creating AB and also sends out T cells.

4. Some of these T cells return to the tissues in the body.

5. Some of these become what is known as resident memory T cells, "T RM", namely the stay in the tissues and remember the Ag that sent them there.

6. Ab can be depleted over time, however the T RM last almost forever,

7. When the person is infected again, even with depleted AB, the T RM get re-activated and massively re-create T cells to attack the invader.

8. The question then is; how effective is this T RM cells process with COVID?

We have written a paper discussing this and attempt to shed some light. 

Why do our whiz kids in the CDC and NIH not delve into this one? They use it for cancer therapeutics, so where are the virus folks?