Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Guest Editorial: Bubonic Plague

I am Antnee and from time to time I am forced to comment to set the record straight. Recently there has been a story about the bubonic plague and the news alleges it is carried by a squirrel. Let me be clear, squirrels do NOT carry the bubonic plague it is carried by fleas and they reside on rats! We are not rats! Also the bubonic plague is not from China, at least this time. Yes, yes, they sent it to us in 1348 but that is another story.

This is a clear case of FAKE NEWS! Yes folks, clear fake news. So do not fear, we do not carry this. Well my cousins in New York City may have picked up a few issues but we will not allow them across the Hudson and if they do make it through the tunnel they must quarantine for fourteen days and contact trace to be certain.

So rest assured, we still can be fed peanuts, unsalted, otherwise we get high blood pressure and our health plans are not that good.