Monday, July 13, 2020

Just some recent facts

It appears that COVID-19 is a brilliantly engineered deadly virus.

1. It appears to work by aerosolizing itself into long lasting aerosol particles, small water coated bubbles containing the virions and floating like soap bubbles in the air for hours

2. The antibodies last at best for six months so one never becomes immune, and thus herd immunity is nonexistent.

3. It attacked the entire body systems, not just the lungs, using the bodies own immune system to attack itself.

4. It weakens the infected so that after several cycles the strongest eventually will die off.

5. It may be a waste of time to seek a vaccine and at best we can hope for is a therapeutic.

6. It makes AIDS look like the common cold.

This should scare the pants off of anyone who studies the papers coming out.