Friday, July 31, 2020

Vote by Mail: It Is The USPS

I have multiple concerns by the proposed Mail in Voting. I expressed my concern about being denied my right to a secret ballot. I was denied that in the State Primary. I was required to give them my ballot along with my name, address, date of birth, and I think even my blood type. Needless to say I refused and the morons in charge said they never heard of a secret ballot. No surprise here.

But now the USPS. As usual the NY Times blames Trump. Now he may not be the brightest bulb on the block but the real problem is the USPS. My local PO refuses to deliver my mail, especially if it is raining or they want to go somewhere else. I wrote the Postmaster General but that did no good. The USPS refuses to deliver Amazon, takes two weeks to get a bill from one town to the adjacent, takes two weeks to move a package 14 miles en-route locally, loses a Certified Return Receipt letter and tells you to send another one. By the way, it took them 3 months to get back to me. The local Post Master tells you it is your problem and then allows the Carrier to repeat the process, not delivering mail.

It is not Trump, it is the USPS, they are Government workers. They are all the same. Remember Government Health Care folks.

Now here is just some of what the USPS can do to your ballot:

1. You never get it. Yes, it gets into the mail but it get "lost". This happens frequently. My experience.

2. You mail it and it never gets delivered. My experience again is that there is almost a 50% chance that it will happen. You will never know.

3. You mail it and it takes weeks to get there. My experience spot on.

4. They get dumped in the trash. Happens frequently. It even gets reported in the News unless they are fronting for Mail In Voting.

5. They get filled out by someone else. That is Chicago and Mayor Daly. You need 10,000 more votes, no problem, we have millions of paper ballots an lots of willing Carriers. After Carriers are Union and well you know the rest.

The list goes on. The USPS is the weakest link in the chain. The result is an explosion of conspiracy ideas and a total loss of trust in the Government, worse than even now. There is no audit trail.

If you want less crowded voting, spread it out over a few days. Try looking at Walmart, they manage, in fact have Walmart manage it. But for the good Lord's sake, keep votes out of the hands of the USPS, and any other Government employee.

Now in addition to the USPS there is the audit capability to determine valid votes. There is none. NONE. Who knows or checks my signature. What if someone sends in a duplicate ballot for me. Which one is real, mine or the "Russian" fake? The list goes on.

Just an historical note. Back in the early days of nuclear weapons there was a real concern of unwanted explosions. The developed a technique called the "Fault Tree Analysis" It was an audit trail for faults. It kind of worked but when you read the history there were lost weapons, broken weapons, dropped weapons, burned weapons. It is no wonder we did not destroy ourselves. However the USPS may manage this very well on their own.

Overall, Mail In Voting is the most dangerous of all methods of voting. It has multiple points for fraud, it is enabled by multiple individuals who can alter, it lacks any form of identification, and it results in a totally untrustworthy result. If one has been worried about Voter Fraud, this is the sine qua non example of how to make it happen.

Unfortunately I live in New Jersey. My vote does not count for anything. The Party rounds up the usual Voters and they get what they want. Pity!

One final note. Mail In Voting is NOT Absentee Ballots. The Absentee Ballot requires you to go to the Town or County, identify yourself, get a ballot for you, and you agree to waive your right to a secret ballot. You then return the ballot signed and it is processed. It must be returned, preferably in person well before the election. There are decades of integrity and auditability in this process. NONE with Mail In.