Thursday, July 2, 2020

NJ 2020 07 02

The above is an interesting chart.It is the plot of infected per Sq Mi versus the PoP per Sq Mi. Namely we see clear evidence that as PoP density goes down so too does infection density. The lower the infection density the less chance for spread. The chart below shows select counties over time.
The chart below is the death rate versus time. It assumes that the sick person who dies does so 30 days after the recognition of infection. The steady state seems to be 8% mortality. Recall that 75% of the deaths are people over 65 and further 65% are LTC.
The State incidence is below
The County incidence is below. I still believe we have very noisy data.
Deaths are below and the 8% is a concern
LTC still lingers and is a shame!