Tuesday, July 7, 2020

Voter Suppression

The NY Times tells the wonderful fairy tale about New Jersey and Mail in Voting. They state:

Gov. Philip D. Murphy has said he was watching to see how the voting went before determining how broadly to rely on mailed ballots for the presidential election in November, where the stakes will be much higher. “We’re going to be watching very closely for any shenanigans that we hear about,” Mr. Murphy, a Democrat, said on Monday. “Any voter suppression. Anybody that’s trying to job the system.”

Well I tried to vote today. You see the State Law mandates secret ballots except if you chose Absentee. But Murphy and his cohorts mandate mail in as Absentee and thus without telling the voters you gave away your legal right to a secret ballot.

I tried to vote today at a polling site. Well, I had to fill out a provisional form listing my name, address, age, sex, Drivers License, Social Security number and every possible identifying element. The sheet for my ballot was penciled in while a Police Sargent watched over my shoulder along with a polling stooge. No secrets here.

Then I had to insert the ballot into an envelope, I tried to have it as secret as I could, but then they demanded that the ballot be permanently attached or affixed to my details of name etc. Goodbye secret ballot.

I tried to explain to the old folks there but they clearly were clueless. They had no idea what a secret ballot even was no less the law.

So what do we have in New Jersey, no secret ballot and indeed a strong basis for voter suppression. I tore my ballot up and took it out to the trash! Democracy is dying here in the State Washington fought for our freedom from the Brits. It is a shame, we see these politicians destroying our basic freedom and right to a secret ballot.

The November election will undoubtedly be rant with suppression and fraud. Good bye USA! Thanks to the excuse of this virus...thanks politicians...