Saturday, July 4, 2020

"Science" and "Scientists"

Over the past few months we have been told we must listen to the "Science" and trust the "Scientists" regarding COVID-19. Nature has a brief piece delineating some of the critical unanswered questions. Reading through this we see that:

1. We really are yet to understand the virus

2. We really do not know how it spreads

3. We really do not know why some people suffer worse than others

4. We really do not know how it is mutating and what that means

5. We really do not know how to make people immune

6. We really do not know how long the vaccine will last; some say no more than six months.

7. We really do not know the origin.

and the list goes on. But politicians tell us to follow the science, the "yellow brick road" to Oz. "Scientists" all have varying opinions each contending they hold to the truth. People are confused and starting to get annoyed, and add the protests, then add July heat, and you get a potential for real problems.

At some point we need a truth teller, someone who leads, yet can live with the uncertainty, and assures people that the best is being done. Humanity has been through plagues before, but not with the added "benefit" of massive social unrest. But wait, it did have Athens when attacked by Sparta and with the plague. What happened? Democracy was lost for two millennia.