Sunday, December 20, 2020

Belly of the Beast

In the New Jersey Plan it appears that some whiz kid decided to have the entire county go to the Rockaway Mall. Now anyone tracking the virus in the County would know that this is the location of the highest rate of infection. It is almost 100 times higher than other towns. So what do these geniuses do, bring everyone there, make them wait in line, in January, in the freezing weather while State actors fumble about, misdirecting people, exposing them to maximal risk, and then having them come back again and do it all over. In this group are 65+ and at high risk. So these poor folks must hobble over to the Mall, slip and slide across the ice and snow, try to find a place in line and hope they do not get infected. Thanks again to the Gov and his brilliant team. 

This is just what I was worried about.