Sunday, December 20, 2020

Infectious vs Sick

 One fact about immunology should be made clear. Especially about the corona virus. The virus can reside in the nasopharynx at 94F with no multiplication but it can spread to others via aerosols. Recall an aerosol is a small "hot air" balloon type particle containing a virus element. They float, move, bounce and infect others.

Now the vaccine creates antibodies, Ab, in the person vaccinated. These Ab go about attacking the virus and infected cells deeper in the body where the temperature is above 98F, like the lungs and heart. 

Thus a vaccine protects the vaccinated but not those not vaccinated. Herd immunity is a fallacy.

For example. If we vaccinate the NJ Transit workers, they will most likely not get ill BUT they can be a Typhoid Mary type, spreading the virus to all those unvaccinated, or even to those vaccinated who can then bring it to locations of unvaccinated. The little bugs use us humans in a very effective manner.

It seems our brilliant politicians and lobbyists are clueless on this issue of immunology 101. By vaccinating these "essential workers" we may be protecting them at the risk of massive exposure to those unprotected. The classic unintended consequence.

 Vaccination has now become a massive political football, supported by political funding and pressure groups. We have gone beyond any sense of "science", we quickly passed the "ethics" mandarins, like some older generation in Poland and Germany, and onto what makes the US function, political muscle. Welcome to the United States!