Wednesday, December 9, 2020

LTC Deaths Continue

 It has been almost 10 months since this plague started. By May we knew or should have known that LTC facilities were death sentences. So they should have been targeted and fixed. Nope! Just look. Our running average is 8 deaths per day, twice what it was in July. These are supposed to be safe quarantined locations. This sad result is due in my opinion to the gross incompetence and negligence of the State. 

The next big issue is that if the vaccines start to arrive Friday I am certain we have no idea what to do with them. Not a peep from Trenton. Even the "movie star" from Queens knows what to do in his state. New Jersey, not a clue. Who gets what where and when? It is not as if we do not have the facilities. Vaccines may be left on the Tarmac at Newark with some Government worker hiding them like the Arc in a warehouse. More dead LTC folks.