Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Who, What, When, Where, Why?

 Well here we are, vaccine on trucks waiting for FDA, most likely, trucks fueled and ready to go....

But where? Namely where do the trucks go and where do the people go, and what people go where and when?

This is a simple logistics 101 problem. Prior planning prevents poor performance. But our New Jersey Knuckleheads seem to refuse to tell anyone anything. We are mushrooms and you know what they say about mushrooms.

We will snatch defeat from the jaws of victory...kind of. The Gov is going around bemoaning other people while feasting himself and yet telling the people nothing.

It is simple. Just announce the plan in NJ, tell people where to go, have locations ready, and use this thing called the Internet to make it work. Not like Obamacare, but say like, well I don't know, not Amazon...you may get some knock off vaccine from China like so many of their other products now a days.