Saturday, November 14, 2020

2020 11 14

 Not so good. It would really help if the Wizards of Trenton let us know the viral vectors. This is the 21st century folks! Unless they just want to shut things down again. 

First the county town daily incidences. They both are exploding.

The town prevalence bounces around 20. We have about 10,000 people and 20 are clearly contagious.
Mortality is up to 1% Not clear why.
The doubling time metric puts us in early May time frame
State new infections nearing old peak
Likewise for the county.

It would really be nice to know why.

As a note, a detailed discussion of these statistics and the upcoming vaccine and its implementation has been posted. Note, however, the biggest risk will be the massive political infighting in terms of execution. All States were to have their plans in and approved by the CDC by now. They have not. New York apparently refuses, New Jersey is bumbling around getting nowhere, and the list goes on. The New England states are trying to coordinate but that make the Balkans look like a local tea sitting club.

So let us not expect our State Governments to accomplish anything and the vaccine may very well just be sitting in a warehouse somewhere. Betcha!