Sunday, November 29, 2020

Some Observations

 Just a few observations:

1. The daily number reports seem to be grossly inaccurate, changing one day from the other. Example, data showed Morris increase well over 200 but stated was under 150. So what do I believe, the summary of my lying eyes?

2. Driving through the neighborhood saw crowds gathering at various homes, kids running in and out, adults socializing as if there were no issues.

3. With the vaccine being shipped tomorrow in anticipation of release on 10 December we have no idea what to expect or do. Clueless! Par for the course. Aircraft flying in from Frankfurt, dry ice enough to start another Ice Age, excepts it is carbon dioxide, and UPS/FEDEX all set to deliver, but no one knows who has been invited no less where the party will be.

An we expect this to improve with some more of the same characters if not worse, if such be the case.