Friday, November 6, 2020


 Just an observation here in New Jersey. The local Board states:

Results will be updated as they are provided by the Board of Elections and are subject to change until all ballots have been counted. Complete Mail-In Ballot results will not be available until after November 10th, the deadline for timely postmarked Mail-In Ballots to be received. Provisional Ballots will be counted once all Mail-In Ballots have been tallied. Official final results may not be available until November 20th.

Yep, November 20th and "votes" are still being counted and even in "the mail". But since this is New Jersey one assumes all "elected" officials are just appointed from above. My attempt at voting hit multiple bumps from initially being told I was not registered, to the situation now where they have my vote but it will not be counted, for some reason. Neighbors received multiple ballots, and one wonders with all the dead in LTC who voted for them.

Regrettably this results in a total distrust in our voting system, despite the fact that the results are in my opinion and in my experience preordained.