Monday, November 30, 2020

Some More Observations

 This virus and the "science" we are doomed to obey have some cracks. Let us address a few issues.

First regarding the spread, we have had a multiplicity of academics create simulations of spreaders. However, when consider aerosols:

1. Newton's laws apply, namely F=ma, everywhere in the macro world we live in

2. If the aerosol were solid and a density less than air then like the tower of Pisa or any cannon ball from HS physics the path would be a parabola downward.

3. But they are not solid, they are air filled spheres, aerosols, and the air inside is usually at higher temp than ambient and thus less dense

4. Now think Archimedes, these less dense small balloons float, a bit, for a while, then drop

5. Combine Newton and Archimedes and you get a longer, but not real long a path

6. Now add Brownian motion, namely particle collide exchanging momentum/energy, some lose some gain and thus the cloud become non-uniform

7. Also consider electrostatic charge on surface, modest but creates a cloud stickiness

8. now this model can get good first order solution in one page, really

9. I did this with a smashing pumpkins experiment for grandsons freshman HS class, attache helium balloon to pumpkin and drop it, does it go up or down and if down will it smash?

 Second, we still really do not how it spreads or how much exposure is critical. Thus:

1. we really do not have a clue as to what the viral load received must be to get infected...1,000, 1 million, 1 billion virions?

2. we really do not have a clue as to how they are transmitted, for example how many people are coughing or sneezing?

3. the "experiment" was a fix, it did not represent any reality

4. "evidence" and "science" are the new "divine law" requirements

5. i see locals holding parties for kids and groups as large as 40+

6. but the mortality rate is now down to 0.2%!

7. equal to a bad flu season

8. should we ban all human contact in such a low risk situation? 90% surgical procedures have higher mortality rates! so stop surgeries? bide has a higher chance of pulmonary embolism from cracked ankle!

 Other than these things Mrs Lincoln how did you enjoy the play?