Monday, March 23, 2020

A Primer on COVID-19

We have prepared a Primer on COVID-19. As with all we do here it is opinion and may be subject to change, It is based upon an analysis of primary research as referenced therein.

Some observations are:

1. The virus needs 37 C to thrive and multiply, that means the lungs and not the nasophyranx.

2. The virus sheds in the epithelium of the upper and lower respiratory system. Thus, blood generally has no virions.

3. The entry points are the nose, eyes, mouth.

4. The general means of entry is via the hands touching the above after touching a contaminated surface.

5. The incubation period is 5-10 days. Thus an infected person can shed without symptoms.

6. The virions survive at least 5-9 hours on surfaces.

7. Aerosols are possible but proximity is required.

8. If we could keep people from infecting themselves as above we would have a burn out in two weeks.


1. Went shopping, and we and a few others wore gloves. 95% of the shoppers had no gloves and thus exposed themselves to hand transfer.

2. Food stores can be a massive Petri dish if one does not have hand protection. Furthermore one needs to wash hands immediately after unloading bags and make certain not to touch faces.

3. No where did I get this advice. My Grandmother spent 1914-1920 in the NYC TB/Influenza Hospital on Staten Island. This is what people did 100 years ago. Simple, but apparently no one seems to get the story out!