Sunday, February 7, 2021

Vaccine Equity

 The NY Times asserts:

The same goes for vaccination equity. We know that the 32 million or so shots that have been administered so far have gone disproportionately to wealthier, whiter Americans. But we don’t know exactly how bad those disparities are — only about half of all vaccinations logged so far include racial data — and we don’t know what’s behind that gap. Some people blame the inequity on vaccine hesitancy in marginalized communities; others point to online registration systems and clinic hours that make shots more difficult to access for low-income Americans. Each of those problems has different solutions.

Now let me tell my New Jersey story.  After a month of multiple tries I finally got an appointment for March. It is a site 125 miles from my house. I am denied closer sites by the counties. Thus I must drive a total of 500 miles, two round trips, and hope that the appointment is not cancelled when I arrive. But if one is 29 and says they are a smoker they go to the front of the line. The highly mixed counties prohibit those from the more affluent counties to use the State paid services. Thus we must find a niche in the midst of the pine lands. I guess if we don't recover they can dump the bodies out there somewhere.

Thanks to our grossly incompetent State officials, whose sole goal is a photo op or two, we get 80 year olds driving down to the Delaware border. Did I say Delaware, interesting!