Thursday, January 21, 2021

A Conundrum

 The Biden Admin stated they would do 100 million in 100 days. That means 1 million per day. BUT! Moderna delivers 2.15 million per week and Pfizer 4.3 million per week, or 6.45 per week, or less than the required 7 million per week. One assumes increased production but the 1 million per day was meant to be in the arm numbers. However following Bloomberg's tracker we have only 47.7% of the delivered actually deployed in the arm. Thus there is both a shortfall in delivery and massive shortfall in execution. This reminds me of the massively incorrect Romer curve on unemployment after the 2008 crash. Transparency and honesty are critical.

Thus we ask; what is the plan? Show us the numbers. You need a transparent CDC etc, not really getting this, hopefully it will change.