Thursday, January 21, 2021

Not Workable

 USA Today reports:

Amazon is offering its help to President Joe Biden with the rollout of COVID-19 vaccines, while seeking to get its employees inoculated "at the earliest appropriate time." In a letter written to Biden and dated Wednesday, Amazon Worldwide Consumer CEO ... said the e-commerce giant is prepared to leverage its operations to help vaccinate 100 million Americans in the first 100 days of the president's administration. "Our scale allows us to make a meaningful impact immediately in the fight against COVID-19, and we stand ready to assist you in this effort," wrote Clark. The letter also calls for vaccinating Amazon employees, many of whom are essential workers, as soon as possible.

Now I was a big Amazon user. However over the past few years I come to find I cannot trust what I buy or have any reliability on when or if it will be delivered. It may be, in my opinion and in my experience, a knockoff product sent from some place in China and totally defective. Okay, so I lost some money in a bad purchase. But my life, lost to a knockoff vaccine, delivered by some contract worker possibly totally unqualified? No way! 

This is in my opinion and in my experience just another lobbying ploy to get their workers at the front of the line while we poor schlubs get stiffed again! In New Jersey, The Banker and Nurse Ratchet have already moved the Press, the Prisons and the Smokers to the front. Now we want to move what?

This is why so many cannot stand politics. Amazon is a low cost distributor of often low cost products. I have now been going directly to the vendor instead of Amazon to try to avoid the knock offs. Batteries that do not work and with fake labels and the list goes on.

 Trust is a key element of getting vaccinated. West Virginia has been successful, in my opinion and in my experience I would not trust Amazon!