Thursday, January 21, 2021

Too Many Words

 I am reminded of the Emperor's comment in Amadeus that Mozart had "too many notes". The just issued "plan" from the White House may have "too many words". (Looked like some Consulting Report from some MBAs) Keep it simple is a good dictum. Again West Virginia has done that by necessity. New Jersey has created chaos. It is not clear that the plan will remediate any of this.

The critical issues are as follows:

1. Mutations are a clear and present danger since no matter how fast we go the mutants go faster
2. Mutations are driven by immunocompromised people, that is the sick and aged
3. Stop that mutation first then go to the Press, Smokers and Amazon employees and favorite political supporters
4. People must understand the sequellae. It is not just the virus it is what follows no matter what age. Also auto-antibodies have become a serious issues and result in auto-immune diseases.
5. There will never be herd immunity due to mutations and residual virions in nasal passages
6. Vaccines are being produced at a marginal level. Scale is always a challenge. The carrot and stick approach always works.
7. Tracking mutations is critical. Publishing them in a database kept current is critical.
8. Data is the sine qua non. We need transparent, correct, and open data platforms. In this society Government is the least competent, people trained in data analysis are what we should rely upon to have an open conversation
9. Leadership must be empathetic not dictatorial
10. This virus will be back again and again, we must adapt to ongoing immunizations

Other than that Mrs. Lincoln, how was the play?