Monday, January 18, 2021

Vaccine in New Jersey


Here is the vaccine data for New Jersey. Other states as above. We seem to be getting 150,000 per week with a total nearing 700,000 thus far. The concern is rate of increase is very low, the 150,000 per week on a 9 million population is a long time to see any progress. Namely 60 weeks for one dose or 120 for both. That is almost 3 years! BUT, the distribution is one third the available so we are looking at a decade to get the population done. Remember West Virginia will be done by April this year. Since The Banker assumes he is running this year he seems in my opinion to be dealing with his "backers" first and his taxpayers last! But he fails to note the mutation problem. By leaving the more vulnerable at risk they allow for massive viral mutations and all those vaccinated as favorites may be knocked off by the mutants. The mutants will be the revenge of the forgotten.