Saturday, January 2, 2021

NJ 2021 01 02

 Well here we go into the next year. As a note, last year we "worried" about exogenous factors, namely the virus, this year we "worry" about endogenous factors, namely the incompetence of the Government and the vaccine. First, town and county. Both seem flat but the periodicity of the data shows the gross incompetence in reporting.

Next we show the town prevalence. Peaked but it is social gatherings. New year's Eve how around the corner had over dozen cars and almost fifty people celebrating. Watch that cluster.
As usual we have the clusters. Remember the mega location is at the Rockaway Mall which really is in Dover. So if and when they start vaccinating older folks Murphy and his minions will have them climb the mountain, ice and snow, and go to the heart of the beast!
The following is telling. Almost 70% of Federal Prisoners are vaccinated. True survival of the fittest. Yet as we show below the death rate at LTC has increased 50%! Thanks to our Federal and State Governments!
Here is that death rate, Interesting to see that overall we have increase the death rate by a factor of ten since the summer. Makes sense, we are infecting the vulnerable and protecting the incarcerated. You are being better cared for as a murdered than as a cancer researcher! Social Justice Warriors at work. This will get worse. Also the police are still not vaccinated, nor Fire or EMS! Yep, Social Justice Warriors.
The doubling time is up, which is some good news
The incidence state wide is a concern, it appears to be increasing, Christmas?
Same for County
This is the most disturbing. These are daily deaths, remember this is very noisy data. Yet we seem to be spiking at 55 per day non LTC and 15 a day LTC. That means every day that Murphy and his minions are vaccinating prisoners and not LTC, we have 15 deaths.
The state prevalence, namely those infected, had peaked after Thanksgiving but I suspect a rise after these two past holidays.