Friday, January 8, 2021

NJ 2021 01 08


The above is the real bad news. We are now losing almost 20 people a day in LTC. That is as Trenton dabbles and takes photos on the Mountain top, 20 people a day die when it should be none.
The county incidence has as expected double peaked
as has the State
The doubling time has flattened showing the resurgence
Mortality is above 2% in non LTC which is a real concern, namely it is hitting the more vulnerable as it spreads and Trenton dabbles
However West Virginia has reached over 70% as New Jersey dabbles. WV strategy works, Trenton and its minions are totally clueless, and more people die every day!
Dover is almost 11% infected and that is at the heart of the mega site
And finally the incidence has flattened in the county but our town still grows. I saw large Christmas gatherings and then large New Years gatherings. No enforcement of any kind, unless you are over 75! "The Banker" fiddles while Rome burns!