Wednesday, January 6, 2021

New Jersey Should Learn from West Virginia


As CBS reports:

Rozner asked Gov. Murphy if it’s realistic for those ages 18 to 55 with no underlying conditions to get the vaccine by summer. “I hope and I believe the answer is yes, that we’ll be able to,” Murphy said. “I can’t hang my hat on Memorial Day, but I’m pointing to that as hard as I can.” Several mega vaccination sites will be set up by mid-January, including at the old Meadowlands Race Track in Bergen County. “I think as the year moves on and as we get to the general population you’ll be able to go to your local pharmacy,” said Dr. Perry Halkitis, director of the Rutgers School of Public Health.

In contrast, West Virginia is mass processing this week as noted above. WV is not requiring its elderly to climb the mountains amidst the winter to get a vaccine. In NJ we go to the racetrack or ground zero of infection on a mountain top. In NJ "The Banker" and "Nurse Ratchet" say we must wait until Memorial Day to start!

As my father always told me, "Prior Planning Prevents Poor Performance" That's the difference between the New York Irish and the Boston Irish, we knew when to get off the boat!