Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Amazon: Disintermediation and the Pandemic

An interesting thing happened on the way to the pandemic. I could almost always get whatever I needed on Amazon and for the most part it arrived when they said it would, most of the time.

Since the beginning of this pandemic things have changed, dramatically. Now they tell you that it will take a month, or the say it will arrive and then never does, or they will not sell it to you, etc.

So what? Well as it turns out I have Walmart. Staples, Home Depot and others who will ship, on schedule and free. I found I really do not need Amazon. Also if it is a book, the publisher will sell it to me at the same price and free shipping. It may take a few days but I am not in a rush to get my update on monoclonal antibodies.

Surprise, I can live without Amazon. I wonder if they know that there are lots of Plan Bs? I would be a bit worried if I were Bezos.