Thursday, April 16, 2020

NJ 2020 04 16

We start with the prevalence. The downward slope continues showing the decline in infected persons. We estimate that by May 1 there will be a prevalence of less than 0.05%. At that point reasonable controls should start to clear the system. Needless to say we need testing but alas that seems to fall on deaf ears.
The above is the total number.
Deaths are still about 300 plus per day. Again as we noted most have co-morbidities of hypertension and obesity.
The above is the summary chart. It reflects the growing improvement noted above.
The doubling time decreased but that should be expected on the down slope.
The town double time shows significant control.

The percent infected is slightly above 0.8%. That means 99.2% are not infected. That of course assumes correct data which is unlikely.