Wednesday, April 29, 2020

NJ 2020 04 29

We start with the 14 day average change. Note that it continues negative for the County as well as the state since 20 April. Again we have not metric from the State to tell anyone what is in their Three Card Monty scheme for resuming anything. I am reminded of Randy Shilts book And the Band Played On regarding AIDS in the early 1980s. In a very similar manner the Government said things but managed to always prove itself incompetent.
Again we show the death count above. The pattern is clear. Little reporting on weekends and a slow roll out of the unreported during the week. This makes any data useless.
The total continues to rise but we are beyond the inflection point. Any epidemiologist worth their salt would now be asking what the causes of the new cases were. After six weeks of lockdown we can or should be able to clearly identify the nature of the new infections. The public should/must be informed. Yet we hear nothing. The echos of Shilts and AIDS ring soundly.
The county 14 day running averages continue negative,
the county prevalence goes down
as does the state. Yet we really should be understanding why still a slow decline. Is it the nature of the infection or truly new infections which we must identify the transmission path. One wonders if anyone is home here!
The doubling time is well above 40 which makes this seem chronic not acute. Hint!
Finally we see a 1.3% penetrance of recorded infections. However we seem to be clueless as to the real prevalence of infected, with symptoms, without, or post infection.

My concern is that the Gov's orders of mandatory state quarantine of anyone deemed infected will drive those with symptoms underground. One truly wonders if they thinks of the consequences. Not to mention the legality.