Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Data and it Usefulness

One of the biggest problems we are having is getting useful and correct data. The NJ web site just places apparently a mix of data. Thus deaths may be for some period not the last 24 hours. managing the pandemic and return to normality demands reliable and accurate data, State workers are paid no matter unlike the people whose taxes pay their salaries. Perhaps they can find a better way to present accurate, timely and useful data.

For example, the most recent infected may really be an agglomeration of results from the past two weeks! Death totals may be just sloppy reporting so they all end up on Tuesdays, with no one reporting on Sunday (ie Saturday results) and Monday (same  on Sunday).

It reminds me of the old WW II joke of the German U Boat captain telling his crew after they have been submerged a lengthy period: "We will be surfacing soon, the good news is it may be Buenos Aires, the bad news it may be New York."). 

The data we have now is grossly inadequate for opening and even more so for managing any anticipated outbreaks. So one would suggest Trenton get their act together before we find ourselves back to square one.