Friday, April 3, 2020

NJ 2020 04 03

New Jersey numbers are getting worse. Despite the isolation they seem to be spreading with little to no control by the authorities.
The above is the growth in total numbers. Well above 25,000.
The above is the day to day growth. It was as low as 13% but now is approaching twice that number.
The above is the doubling time for the County per day. Smaller doubling times means faster growth. The county is now below 4.0
The above is doubling time by county. Almost half are 4.0 or below. This is now after two weeks of effective quarantine. Only one county is above 6.0 and Ocean is almost at 2.0 which is very aggressive growth!
The above is the state doubling time in days.
Above is the town doubling time. It is still above 5.5 but decreasing. The question is source of infection and the possible Typhoid Mary factor.
The above is towns in the county showing great disparity.